這是AMY TEO生活部落格 親愛的朋友,這裡記錄了AMY生活的點點滴滴!以及到處收集的好文章,與大家分享!!喜歡的內容,請您自行引用,不需告知言謝,如有侵權,煩請告知,即時刪除,感謝來訪指教,祝您 !!!! 平安健康快樂"
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
We want to share the lesson of the day with everyone
Static electricity in Petrol Stations
As a continuation of the video about static electricity in which a girl had a fire accident on getting out of her car and directly touching the nosepiece, we come across a similar case:
如影片所撥放, 一位女士在加油時, 當加油槍的噴嘴碰到車子產生靜電, 而造成了一場火災. 我們也曾經碰到過這種意外.
With the generalisation of self-service facilities in petrol stations people should be warned about the outbreak of fires resulting from static electricity while they are pouring in petrol.
在加油站自助加油時, 當在正在加油時, 人們要特別注意由於靜電造成的火災意外.
150 cases of this type of fire have been investigated and the results were very surprising.
我們調查研究了類似的150起這種火災, 結果令我們非常驚訝.
1- Of the 150 cases, more happened to women than men, due to their habit of getting in and out of the vehicle while the petrol is being poured in.
從這150個案例發現女性比男性為多, 這是由於女性在加油時會進進出出車子.
2- In the majority of cases the people had re-entered their cars when the hose was still pouring petrol out (the danger of the triggers on the nosepieces). When they finished refuelling and got out to remove the hose pistol the fire began, as a result of the static electricity.
在大多數的案例中發現, 加油管仍在加油中(此時有觸發噴嘴的危險), 人們在此期間會進入車內, 當油加滿時, 人從車內出來要拔出加油槍時, 最易因靜電造成火災.
3- The majority of those affected used rubber-soled footwear and clothes of synthetic fibres.
大多數的例子中, 這些人都穿著膠底鞋和人造纖維的衣服.
4- Never use mobile phones when filling up with fuel.
當加油時, 請務必不要使用行動電話.
5- It is well known that it is the vapour that comes from the petrol that burns and causes the fire when it makes contact with static charges.
眾所週知, 這是因為油氣與靜電接觸引發的火災.
6- In twenty-nine of the cases analysed, the people re-entered their vehicles and later touched the pistols during the petrol fuelling process. This happened in cars of different varieties of makes and models.
其中有29個案例, 是加油時人們進入車內, 再從車中出來拿油槍時發生意外. 各種車型和廠牌的車都有.
7- Seventeen fires occurred before, during or immediately after the cap of the petrol tank was removed and before starting to fill up with petrol.
另有17個案例, 火災是發生在加油前轉開油箱蓋的前後瞬間.
8- The static charge often results from when a passenger rubs their clothes against the upholstery of the seats on getting in or out of the vehicle. To avoid this, it is recommendable that NOBODY gets in or out of the vehicle while the petrol is being poured in. Movement in or out should only be done BEFORE starting, or when the fuelling is finished and the petrol cap placed.
靜電經常是當人們進出車時, 衣服和座椅摩擦所產生的, 因此我們適當的建議, 在油管正加進行時請勿進出車子.
9- MAXIMISE THE PRECAUTIONS if the petrol has spilt or splashed onto the ground. Highly inflammable vapours are immediately produced which can be ignited by sparks of static electricity from the turning on of electronic equipment (mobile phones, remote controls, etc.) or by the ignition of the vehicle itself. BEFORE starting up the engine again, the spilt petrol must be gathered or neutralised by the petrol station staff.
當油濺到地上時, 更需要注意.開啟電器設備(行動電話, 遙控裝置等) 或汽車本身造成的靜電都會造成油氣的點燃. 必須要等加油站工作人員將濺出的油清理乾淨後, 才可以再發動汽車引擎.
IN YOUR VEHICLE: Stop, put the handbrake on and turn off the engine, radio and lights
停車, 拉起手剎車,關掉引擎, 收音機和電燈.
NEVER: Never return to your vehicle while you are pouring in fuel.
在加油進行期間, 務必不要回到車上.
AS A PRECAUTION: Get used to closing the car door on getting out or into the vehicle and in this way the static electricity will be discharged on touching something metallic.
要養成上下車後立即關門的好習慣, 這樣靜電就會在關門(接觸到金屬)時釋放掉了.
After closing the door TOUCH THE METAL PART OF THE BODYWORK before touching the petrol pump pistol. By doing this the static electricity in your body will be discharged on the metal and not on the pistol.
下車關門後, 在拿加油槍前,請先觸碰汽車車身使我們身上的靜電得以藉金屬物品釋放.
As mentioned, we undertake this as a daily task, both inside and outside the company. The following bulletin aims to raise public awareness of this danger.
無論是否在公司都要奉行此規定, 此訊息的目的在提醒大家加油時要注意, 以免造成危險.
I ask you to send this information to ALL your friends and family, especially those carrying children in the cars when pouring in petrol. Thank you for passing on this information.
請您將此訊息寄發給您的家人和所有您的朋友, 特別是那些會帶小孩在車上的朋友.大家要注意加油時的安全規定.謝謝您好轉寄此訊息.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
包格斯不是天生好手,他能吸引全世界籃球迷瘋狂的注目,激勵了無數矮小少年的遠大夢想,那是因為他的意志與苦練的結果。 不管有多少人嘲笑他,多少人否定他,但他並不放棄,堅持努力;他花上比一般高個子多好幾倍的時間練球,並運用自己矮小的優勢,迅速靈活的行動,以幾乎毫無失誤的低重心運球,終於成為最佳控球後衛。
你無論做甚麼事,要努力做……。 —《聖經》傳道書9章10節
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
1. "我奶奶得了关节炎,再也不能弯下来涂脚趾甲。于是我爷爷总是给她涂,甚至当他自己的手得了关节炎也是这样。这就是爱。"
丽贝卡- 八岁
2. "当有人爱上你,他说你名字的方式是不一样的。你就知道你的名字在他嘴里说出来感觉棒极了。"
比利 - 四岁
3. "爱就是女孩抹香水男孩涂古龙水,然后他们出去,互相闻着。"
卡尔 - 五岁
4. "爱就是当你出去吃饭时,你把自己大部分薯条给某个人,而却并不在意他是不是也给你。"
克里希- 六岁
5. "爱就是在你累的时候让你笑起来的东西。"
特里- 四岁
6. "爱就是当我妈咪给爹地泡咖啡,在给他之前先尝一口,看看味道是不是还可以。"
丹尼 - 七岁
7. "爱就是你们一直接吻的时候。然后你们厌烦了接吻,但你们仍然想呆在一起,而且你们聊得更多。妈咪和爹地就是这样的。他们接吻的时候,看上去很下流。"
艾蜜俐 - 八岁
8. "爱就是圣诞节当你在房间里拆开礼物时,让你停下来去听的东西。"
鲍比 - 七岁
9. "如果你想学着爱得更好,就应该从爱你所恨的人开始。"
妮卡 - 六岁
10. "爱就是当你告诉一个男孩你喜欢他的衬衫,他就每天都穿着它。"
诺艾尔 - 七岁
11. "爱就像一个小老太婆和一个小老头儿,尽管他们彼此很了解,但却仍然是朋友。"
汤米 - 六岁
12. "在钢琴独奏会上,我在台上,很紧张。望着台下,所有人都在看我。我看到爹地冲我挥手微笑,只有他一个人这么做。我就不再感到紧张了。"
辛迪 - 八岁
13. "妈咪爱我胜过所有人。没有人像她那样在晚上吻着我入睡。"
克莱尔 - 六岁
14. "爱就是在妈咪把最好的鸡块给爹地的时候。"
伊莱恩 -五岁
15. "爱就是妈咪看到爹地一身臭汗的样子却仍然说他比劳勃·瑞福还帅。"
克莉丝 - 七岁
16. "爱就是你一整天扔下你的小狗狗不管,而它却仍然舔你的脸的时候。"
玛丽·安 - 四岁
17. "我知道我姐姐爱我,因为她把她所有的旧衣服都给了我,而她却不得不出去买新的。"
劳伦 - 四岁
18. "当你爱上某个人,你的睫毛忽上忽下的,小星星从里面出来。"
卡伦 - 七岁
19. "爱就是当妈咪进卫生间看到爹地在里面,而她却并不觉得恶心的时候。"
马克 - 六岁
20. "你真的不能说出‘我爱你’,除非你是来真的。但是一旦你是来真的,你就应该经常说。人们总是忘记。"
杰西卡 - 八岁
21. 作家兼讲师里欧·布斯加利亚曾经谈到一次比赛,当时他被邀去当评委。那次比赛是要评出最有爱心的小孩。获胜者是一个四岁的孩子,他的邻居是一位新近丧妻的老者。这个小男孩看到那个老人哭泣,便走进他的院子,爬到他的膝上,然后就坐在那儿。后来他妈妈问他对那个邻居说了什么,小男孩说:“什么也没说,我只是帮着他哭。”
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